Saturday, September 15, 2012

About AWN

Amarillo Women’s Network began in the summer of 1980 as an informal luncheon meeting for a few area career women.  They recognized that Amarillo lacked a professional organization that addressed itself primarily to the concerns and career needs of businesswomen.  At that time other civic organizations were not as open to women as they are now.  Business opportunities and career choices were much more limited as well.  AWN gave women the opportunity to promote their businesses and/or themselves while creating a valuable network of business contacts and friends. 
The choices and opportunities that women have today are limitless.  AWN still serves as a source of information and resources to assist women in advancement of their careers and businesses by sponsoring a variety of informative, educational and motivational programs for members and guests. 
Though the name implies that women only may join, AWN welcomes male members as well.  AWN encourages its members to get to know one another and to utilize contacts, whether male or female, to enhance their careers.
AWN meets at noon on the last Friday of each month.  Guests are always welcome to attend any AWN meeting.  For more information, checkout monthly meetings

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